We all have mental health. Get the support you need.

Who needs support?
What with?
Suffolk residents not feeling active enough
The First Call

Get the support you need

Background Swirl

Making Suffolk the best place in the world for talking about and taking care of mental health.

All of us have mental health, just as we have physical health. We are all on the Mental Health Continuum, and we move up and down it depending on how we cope with the challenges of life and the stresses that it creates.

Suffolk Mind supports people from the age of 4 upwards, through:

Working across the Mental Health Continuum, we aim to provide support and information for everyone.

lady in yellow top
Beach huts

Get involved

Learn how to get involved with Suffolk Mind, from fundraising events to volunteering.

Ways to give

There’s plenty of ways to give to the cause, from donating funds to gifting in your will. 

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Phone Icon Need help now? Click here for crisis support
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Who do you want to support?
Self Referral Form
What do you need support with?

How are you feeling?