
As a charity we really value each and every volunteer. They play a vital part in helping us to promote mental wellbeing across the county, and supporting us in the delivery of our services.

Without our volunteers, we would not be able to provide the same level of support to our clients. Every hour that someone gives us means that we can help more people improve their wellbeing.

Community Services Manager, Suffolk Mind

Events volunteering

Please check back for Suffolk Mind events that need volunteers. Alternatively, please get in touch with fundraising@suffolkmind.org.uk.

We are always on the look out for volunteers to help out with various fundraising events throughout the year. If you are interesting in helping out at an event, please fill out our short-term volunteer form below and send it to Corrina at corrina.hanley@suffolkmind.org.uk.

Short-term volunteer form

Want to be a volunteer?

If you are interested in making a difference to someone’s life and want to apply for any of our volunteer roles, we’d love to hear from you!

Don’t forget

Side by Side

Side by Side (formally Elefriends) is an online community where you can listen share and be heard.

Become a Friend

Being a Friend of Suffolk Mind means joining a network of people who have pledged to find out how important mental health is and how to look after it.

Support Us

Suffolk Mind couldn’t exist without your support – whether that’s through a donation, leaving a gift in your Will, or organising a fundraising event – you can help us be there for more people.

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Who do you want to support?
Self Referral Form
What do you need support with?

How are you feeling?