Student Mental Health

Feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or just not quite yourself?

This page is for you.

A wellbeing hub for you

We’ve got something for everyone – videos, blogs, guides – to help you support your mental health.

You’ll find ways to keep calm during times of stress, tips on how to deal with anxiety, options to reach out for help if you need it, and much more.

Who says?

All of the advice and information comes from our experienced mental health team, including Ezra Hewing, our Head of Education, and Louise Harris, our Children, Families & Young People Training & Content Manager.

And, even though this page is tailored to students like you, many of the hints and tips below can help your wellbeing even when you’re not studying. So, do share anything you find helpful with those around you, as it just might help them, too.

Guidance and resources

Shannon’s suggestions

Shannon Sampson, 18, is our HR & Payroll Apprentice at Suffolk Mind.

Balancing college coursework with learning on the job, Shannon’s passionate about supporting mental health. Below, she shares some of her top tips to support her own wellbeing, which may help you, too:

    1. Journalling
    2. Surrounding myself with uplifting people
    3. Prioritising self care
    4. Trying new hobbies, and doing stuff I love
    5. Listening to music

    These all allow me to calm myself down when I feel low. Temporarily distracting myself and moving away from my challenges for a time is really beneficial to me, as it helps me to remember there’s good in the bad and that I can still enjoy life!

  • Tips from the Suffolk Mind team

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