Start Fundraising for Suffolk Mind

We’ll help you to create your giving page, share your story with friends, cheer you on and most importantly – make sure your efforts make a real difference.

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Help us to help Suffolk

We want to help everyone. Every pound of fundraising will help us to help more people in our community and fulfil our mission to make Suffolk the best place in the world for talking about and taking care of mental health.

Suffolk Mind supports people from the age of 4 upwards, through:

Working across the Mental Health Continuum, we aim to provide support and information for everyone.

Looking for ideas?
Get inspired by our fundraising community!

Ready to go?

Got an event ready? We’ve got you. Check out our fundraising resources page, including our logo, brand guidelines, and links to purchase Suffolk Mind t-shirts and vests.



Fundraising FAQs

Yes, simply email us your details and as much information as possible about what you are planning/doing and we can send you a letter of authorisation tailored to your fundraising activity/event/challenge by return –

There are several Suffolk Mind videos that you can use – you can access them on the Suffolk Mind YouTube channel.

Unfortunately our supporters cannot use the Suffolk Mind logo in any form or on any publicity materials. However, as a fundraiser, you have use of our ‘supporting Suffolk Mind’ logo to help promote your event, activity or challenge. To receive a copy, please email or download the logo…

Yes, potentially, if we have someone from the team available, we can come and deliver a short talk from 2 minutes to 30 minutes, depending on the requirement. Speak to a member of the Fundraising Team to see if we are able to. We will always try our best to get someone from the team to your event, if we can.

We will promote all events and activities that host giving pages on our website and those fundraisers that have emailed through their event flyer or poster and/or details and some images. We can promote via our social media, newsletters and if you would like flyers for your event displayed in any of our offices in Bury or Felixstowe or our Wellbeing Centre in Ipswich, Quay Place then please email the fundraising team on who will advise.

Please follow us: FacebookInstagram and Twitter

If you need support with your fundraising idea, challenge, activity or event, please contact the fundraising team by email with your contact details and information. One of the team will come back to you within 2 working days. We can offer advice, send you leaflets, poster templates, balloons, badges, pens and donation pots to support your fundraising activity.

As a registered charity, Suffolk Mind is allowed to claim back an extra 25p for every £1 donated to us in Gift Aid.

For fundraising events: for us to be able to claim Gift Aid you need to check the sponsor or donor is a UK taxpayer, record their home address, postcode, donation amount and make sure they tick the Gift Aid box on your sponsor form or Giving page.

For donations: you can complete our Gift Aid declaration form on our website. Once you submit, our Fundraising team can claim Gift Aid on your donation.

Please remember to tell us about any change in tax status, name or address, so that we can update our records.

You can a lot of information about what we do and the services we provide on our website alternatively, email us, with your name, mailing address and a note to say you would like some information about our services on and we can send you some information in the post.

If any cash or cheques are delivered to us in person, that person will receive a comprehensive receipt for the money handed over, followed up by a letter of thanks.

For cheques sent in the post, and donations made by Bank transfer, you will receive an email from the fundraising administrator to confirm that we have received your cheque/payment, followed up by a letter of thanks.

For donations made online you will receive an automated thank you when your payment has gone through. Any donations made online that are over £100 will also be sent a letter of thanks.

You can make a donation via cheque, made payable to Suffolk Mind and sent in the post or delivered to our Felixstowe Office: Suffolk Mind, Caretakers House, 26 High Rd West, Felixstowe IP11 9JB.

If you would like to make a payment online, as a one off or a regular payment, you can do this here.  If you would like to make a bank transfer, please email for details.

You can find out about health and safety for fundraising events by emailing When organising your own fundraising event, you are responsible for making sure the event has sufficient insurance. You may need public liability cover for some events to help protect you should a third party make claims due to injury or damage to a property. Please check with your insurer or the venue insurer if they can provide suitable cover.

Collection guidelines and regulations:

For collecting on the street, you will need a licence from your local authority. For any collecting in any place, public or private you would need to get the permission from the manager, or owner of the property or land. Only closed collection buckets and pots may be used so please ensure these are sealed at all times with the sticker we provide, and do not open the collection pots or buckets yourself.

Raffle guidelines:

If you hold a small raffle on the day of your event you do not have to get a special licence as long as:

Any prizes purchased are worth a total of no more than £250. Donated prizes can be of unlimited value. Tickets are sold for the same price and there are no discounts. Prizes that involve alcohol are only included if the event is being held on licenced premises. All tickets are sold on the same premises and on the same day as the raffle is drawn. More information can be found here.

Yes organisations can set up giving pages by clicking here. You page will then appear under the corporate section of our website.

Email the fundraising team on and we will be able to help you solve any issues you are having.

Yes, it’s a lovely idea to remember your loved one. You can set up an in memory page by clicking here.

You can make payment of the funds you have raised via cheque, made payable to Suffolk Mind and sent in the post or delivered to our Felixstowe Office: Suffolk Mind, Caretakers House, 26 High Rd West, Felixstowe IP11 9JB.

If you would like to make a payment online, you can do this here. If you would like to make a bank transfer, please email for details.

Yes, please email your idea and contact details though to the fundraising team on and someone will come back to you within 7 working days with support, information, and advice.

To create a giving page on our website, you need to set up an account with us first. You can do that by clicking here. You will then be able to create your giving page to share with your friends and family.

Please contact the fundraising team with the details of your challenge and your contact details and we will get in touch. Alternatively, please fill in our online form for setting up an online giving page for you to share with your friends, family and supporters.

Email the fundraising team on and we can provide you with this information.

When you choose to fundraise for, or donate to Suffolk Mind, the money raised is used to support our services that we provide across Suffolk, and ensures your funds stay within our county. These services include counselling, GreenCare allotments, community spaces and help/support groups, workplace training and telephone support.

Yes, our Charity Registration Number is 1003061 and you can find us on the government Charity Commissions website. We are also registered with the Fundraising Regulator.

Although we are affiliated with the national charity MIND, we are a separate, independent local charity and all funds raised for Suffolk Mind are used to support services locally, within Suffolk. Any money raised for the national charity will go towards their charity and their national services that they provide, and are not used to support the services that we provide in Suffolk.

Either download our sponsorship form and ask people to sponsor you and either give you the cash or cheques made payable to Suffolk Mind, and then you will need to deliver these payments to us, OR ask people to go online to your giving page on our website to sponsor you online.

You can also ask us for some donation pots and buckets and use these to collect money on the day of your event/activity.

Either download our sponsorship form and ask people to sponsor you and either give you the cash or cheques made payable to Suffolk Mind, and then you will need to deliver these payments to us, OR ask people to go online to your giving page on our website to sponsor you online.

You can also ask us for some donation pots and buckets and use these to collect money on the day of your event/activity.

If you have a personal giving account with us and would like to set up a corporate account, you will need to log out of your personal account, and create a corporate account with a corporate email address.

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