Funded training: for educators and children’s activity providers

Below you will find our current opportunities for funded training. We're always looking for more opportunities so please check back as we update regularly. If you want to discuss funding some training, please get in contact with us.

Are you an educator or children’s activity provider in Suffolk?

Thanks to grant funding, we have opportunities to provide fully-funded, in-depth training to support emotional wellbeing for your class, school or activity group. Each space is worth approximately £80 per person.

Current grant-funded Emotional Wellbeing sessions are available for HAF providers across Suffolk.

These places are funded in conjunction with the Suffolk Holiday Activity Programme by The DfE as part of The Holiday Activity & Food Programme.

The aim of these one-day workshops is to equip you with skills to:

• read the emotional health of the whole classroom or group
• meet emotional needs through routines, patterns and positive expectations
• understand the science behind mental health
• create a wellbeing action plan using your new skills

Places are limited, so take a look at our sessions schedule below, and contact us to find out if you qualify for a funded place.


To qualify for a funded place, you must be a HAF provider in Suffolk. From time to time, we are awarded smaller grants which you may be eligible for. Please get in touch with our Schools team to find out more.

Thank you so much for a really useful course that I could directly use to make a difference in my delivery, my sessions and in my own life.

Emotional Wellbeing in the Classroom attendee

Funded children’s activity provider sessions

For HAF providers:

3 December 2024 – Online via Zoom – Spaces available

Funded primary sessions

No funded dates currently available.

Please contact our Schools team enquire about opportunities for funded training.

Funded secondary sessions

No funded dates currently available.

Please contact our Schools team enquire about opportunities for funded training.

Disclaimer: should we have insufficient numbers booked on the course, Suffolk Mind reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the course.


Register your interest, and we’ll be in touch for the next steps to support mental wellbeing in your school or activity group.

Don’t forget to check if you’re eligible for any of our funded training.

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