Raised so far
£4,176.36 of £5,000
Pitkin & Ruddock staff are always happy to challenge themselves and to raise money for an important cause. A healthy mind is the greatest treasure. It is good to know none of us are alone and Suffolk Mind are here to support and provide information on all mental and physical health in the Suffolk area . On 9th June we are coming together as a team yet again, following a hugely successful skydiving fundraiser in 2023, to support Suffolk Mind.  This time, 11 of the team will be cycling the 94 miles from Great Yarmouth Pier to Clacton Pier, in support of Suffolk Mind and mental health in the county.  They will be riding alongside cyclists representing Norfolk Mind, and Mid and North East Essex Mind - the first time these three mental health charities have collaborated to support mental health across our entire region. This ambitious cycle will take in 7 piers, three counties and 94 miles of beautiful but challenging terrain.
Raised so far
£4,176.36 of £5,000

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Challenge yourself and support Suffolk Mind by taking part in some fundraising events.

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