Raised so far

Please note this event has now ended. Check out our events page for up to date event information

Join us on 9 June 2024 for Three Counties, Seven Piers: an exciting 94-mile cycle challenge from Great Yarmouth to Clacton-on-Sea – via the beautiful Suffolk Coast.

The route takes in seven iconic piers and gives riders the chance to complete an epic and picturesque journey. At the same time, your pedal power will help to power our vital mental health services.

Rest assured you are in the capable hands of professional event organisers OnVenture and British Cycling Ride Leaders throughout the challenge.

With a little bit of training, any enthusiastic cyclist (aged 18+) can rise to the challenge!


Supporting three charities

Suffolk Mind have partnered with Norfolk & Waveney Mind and Mid & North East Essex Mind, to introduce this exclusive cycle ride.

This is the first time our three local Mind charities have united to raise funds to support mental health across the region.

As independent charities, we all rely on donations, fundraising and support from our local communities to run our services.

Please note: your registration fee and funds raised will go to your chosen charity only. So, by signing up with Suffolk Mind, your fee and sponsorships will be donated to Suffolk Mind alone.


About the route

Three Counties, Seven Piers is a self-guided (but fully-supported) ride, and is ranked as Medium to Medium/High difficulty, so you will need to do some pre-event training (not provided as part of the package).

You will cover 94 miles, reach 772m elevation and visit 7 piers across 3 counties. You’ll travel along roads, including one ferry crossing, with an estimated ride time of 6 hours.

As you ride, you will visit the following iconic piers:

1) Britannia Pier, Great Yarmouth = Start point

2) Claremont Pier, Lowestoft = 12.5 miles

3) Southwold Pier, Southwold = 25 miles

4) Felixstowe Pier, Felixstowe = 67 miles

5) Ha’Penny Pier, Harwich = 72 miles

6) Walton Pier, Walton-on-the-Naze = 88 miles

7) Clacton Pier, Clacton-on-Sea = 94 miles, end point

Is Three Counties, Seven Piers a race?

This is a ‘complete not compete’ challenge, although we acknowledge some riders will want to gain a sense of achievement by crossing the finish line in Clacton-on-Sea first.

Regardless, a medal will be awarded to everyone who takes part in this challenge, to express our sincere thanks and to celebrate your success.

Rest assured, the route has been meticulously planned to allow for ample places for rest stops, scenic views and picturesque landmarks, to help you enjoy the ride, too.

What’s included in my registration fee?

Your £37 subsidised registration fee includes:

  • A mapped and tested route designed by professional experience company, OnVenture
  • Full support throughout, including medical and mechanical support. Our dedicated support vehicle will travel with our group of riders
  • River ferry crossing from Felixstowe to Harwich
  • Navigation supported, with OnVenture’s bike GPS systems and GPX files provided
  • Lunch, snacks and drinks (with a refreshment station in Southwold, and a lunch station in Felixstowe)
  • Training advice available from British Cycling-approved ride leaders and competitive cyclists
  • A selection of memento photos taken throughout the challenge
  • A bespoke, high-quality commemorative cycling shirt to wear during your event and to take home as a keepsake
  • Finisher medal

Do I have to fundraise?

This is a vital fundraiser in our calendar, and each charity will subsidise the full cost of the challenge (which is £65). With that in mind, we ask all riders to fundraise for their chosen local Mind.

Once you’ve signed up and paid your registration fee of £37, please make sure you set up a Giving page and raise a minimum of £370 (although we hope you will aim for more).   Remember: your registration fee and funds raised will go to your chosen charity only. So, by signing up with Suffolk Mind, your fee and sponsorships will be donated to Suffolk Mind alone.

What will my fundraising support?

Your pedal power will help to power vital mental health services in your area.   For example, here in Suffolk, fundraising supports:

  • Partially or fully-funded counselling for people who cannot afford to wait or cannot afford to pay
  • Funded education from The Mental Health Kitbag: our training for school children and their supporting adults
  • Free-to-access mental health training for the local community (through Friends of Suffolk Mind)
  • Our specialist services such as GreenCare, which helps people get outdoors to support their wellbeing
  • The running of our vital telephone line

By raising £370, every 7 miles you cover will raise enough to fund Suffolk Mind’s phone line for 1 hour.

What if I change my mind?

It’s natural to have some nerves when taking on a challenge such as this. Please feel free to get in touch with our Fundraising team, and we can support you with any questions you have and provide reassurance. Your package also includes training advice from British Cycling-approved ride leaders and competitive cyclists.

Please note: your registration fee is subsidised by the charities you are supporting. So, if you feel you need to withdraw from the event, please give the team as much notice as possible.

If you withdraw in less than 6 weeks prior to the event, we politely ask you to reimburse the full cost of your space – which is £65.

Is travel included?

Travel to and from the start and end points is not included. Please contact our Fundraising team for information which might make your journey easier, such as local hotels, car parks, stations etc.

Can my family and friends watch?

Yes, they can – we will be announcing cheer points at various piers along the route in due course.

Our challenge will also end at our ‘Charity Village’ at Clacton Pier where we invite family and friends to welcome you over the finish line and celebrate your success.

Our Fundraising team can provide information on where to park, hotels, stations etc., and we will publish more details regarding the finish line area soon.

Any other queries?

Contact our Fundraising team who will be happy to help.

Raised so far
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