Pitkin & Ruddock Ltd

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Our success for delivering complete temperature-controlled solutions, service and planned maintenance, is built on more than 65 years of experience and ongoing excellence. Everything we do at Pitkin & Ruddock Ltd starts with people: our success is built on long term working relationships with our customers, employees and suppliers. We are a large, local, family company that pride ourselves in delivering excellence through service. We continually invest in our employee development so our business will grow - to ensure that we continue to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world of technical and environmental issues. As a team we strive to ensure that our customers, suppliers and our level of service delivery, from initial consultation to final installation is constant and completed to the highest standard. Note from Suffolk Mind - December 2023 This fantastic total £14,120 has been raised through sponsorship of our 2023 Skydive and some tremendous fundraising by the skydiving team. It includes Gift Aid.
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