Suffolk Mind Housing Project rated outstanding
A housing project run by Suffolk Mind has been rated as outstanding by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
An inspection was carried out at Montrose House in Ipswich on 12th April 2018 where its rating was upgraded from good, after a previous inspection in 2015.
Montrose House is a residential care home for ten people with long term mental health needs such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The service provides 24 hour care and support tailored to the needs of the individual. Staff work closely with the local mental health teams, GP surgeries and other health professionals to ensure residents’ emotional and physical needs are met.
Inspectors found the service to be exceptionally well led with care staff who were highly skilled and competent in meeting people’s needs. The report stated that morale amongst the team was extremely high and residents and their relatives were complimentary about the care and support they received.
Project Manager at Montrose House, Helen McNeil said: “I am absolutely delighted that Montrose House has been awarded an outstanding rating from CQC. This reflects the tremendous amount of hard work and commitment of the whole team. The residents at Montrose House are at the centre of everything we do, the team works creatively to support residents to meet their physical and emotional needs.
She continued: “We are all very proud of this achievement and the recognition from CQC of the high quality support that the service provides”
In 2017 Montrose House won Care service of the year at the Suffolk Care Awards, as well as Motivational Leadership and was highly commended in food and catering. The service continues to develop and support residents to live a life that works for them.