Jayne Howlett
For those of you who know me, you’ll know my running journey hasn’t been that long! Taking part in the couch to 5k challenge in my late 40’s felt a bit bonkers at the time but it did help me deal with the horrific memories of cross country running at middle school and always being last! I could finally prove 30+ years later I was a runner after all. So a few 5k’s and 10k’s later a dear friend of mine suggested a half marathon and convinced me I can do it. So here I am! And hopefully I can raise some money along the way.
There are so many worthy causes out there, it’s so hard to choose. I’ve chosen Mind as I think all of us can say we’ve struggled with our mental health over the last few years. Some of us are lucky and have amazing support networks, others not so lucky and need somewhere to turn to, even more so than ever these local support groups need funding to continue their work. My target figure of £500 equates to a course of six counselling sessions each for two people, each mile I run will represent approx. one session. Anything you can give will be greatly appreciated and will spur on my Sunday morning training, and on the big day, March 6th. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Jayne x