Raised so far
£425 of £300

We are Ipswich Women’s Rugby Team and are very lucky to have a team support network who are there for each other. Rugby allows us to exercise and socialise to help with our mental well-being however, that being said, it’s still something that massively effects our players, members and community. Our aim is to build awareness and a safe space within our club and team.

1 in 6 people experience a common mental health symptom every week. Based on this statistic, that’s 39,844 people in Ipswich alone. We found this number staggering and have decided, in May, to do a minute of physical or well being exercises for each of those people. That’s a whopping 665 hours throughout May for the Scorpion Members. It works out to be over an hour a day for each member.

We would love your support and donations to encourage us throughout our team challenge and raise money for all the services Mind Suffolk provides. 

We are also running a raffle at our quiz night to raise further funds for Mind. If you would like to attend the quiz details can be found here https://www.ipswichrugby.com/news/club-quiz-night-28th-may-2697292.html alternatively if you would like to buy raffle tickets please email us at ipswichrugbywomens@gmail.com

Raised so far
£425 of £300

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Create your own giving page and start getting people to sponsor you.

Challenge yourself

Challenge yourself and support Suffolk Mind by taking part in some fundraising events.

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