Raised so far
£660 of £250

Cheryl and Karen are sisters  are running the virtual 40th London Marathon on the rescheduled date of Sunday 4th October’s for Suffolk Mind…

“So we initially wanted to raise money for Suffolk Mind by running the Brighton Marathon, the original date was April 2020, due to the pandemic unfortunately this has been moved to 2021. During lockdown my sister and I took part in lots of challenges and applied for the virtual London marathon. 

I chose Suffolk Mind as I think everyone may need support at some time in their life and to know there is a local charity supporting local people is something that is very important to me.

Mental health is complicated and often difficult to understand, I recently lost my Mother-in-law who struggled with her mental health for a long time, although she had loving support of a wonderful son (my fab husband) it was a tough daily battle for her sometimes. I often felt helpless as I didn’t know how to support her best. Mental health problems seem to be an invisible issue and that’s why we want to raise money to help people be able to get the help they need, whatever their situation, even if they look happy.

My sister and I are both mummys and our childrens wellbeing is the most important thing for us.

At this current time when so many people are showing generosity and kindness to each other, we want to raise some money if possible to support people like you and us, our children, our colleagues, partners and friends.

Raised so far
£660 of £250

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