Raised so far
£355 of £500

I am a parent of children who struggle with their mental health. One of which is really struggling at an important stage in her life right now. I have tried many ways to get her support but the one who offered was Suffolk Mind. They are currently supporting and helping her through this difficult period. I am so grateful for their help. As a parent it is so hard to be told your child does not meet the criteria when they are crying out for help. So for Mind to help it was a great relief, just knowing someone is listening and able to help. I believe this is so important for all children, especially since covid and working in a school myself as Mental Health lead, I have a big passion to make sure all children are supported in looking after their mental health, knowing how and where to go if they are struggling. In May half term, the 31st, I will be doing a skydive to raise money for this great charity!
So please, anything you can give will help go a long way to support all our children!

Raised so far
£355 of £500

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