Raised so far
£140 of £300

I work in Suffolk’s NHS adult mental health services, and I’m keen to raise money for this excellent charity who work so hard to provide excellent support to people in need.  Given everything that 2020 was (and given how challenging early 2021 is due to be) many people may be accessing mental health support for the first time, or people may be finding they need the support of Suffolk Mind more than ever. 

I’ll be working hard to cover the 100 miles by running and walking over the course of January – I’m due to have a baby in early Feb so I’d better get my running shoes on!

Some running miles and all walking miles will be dog-assisted by little Monty (see picture). 

Raised so far
£140 of £300

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Create your own giving page and start getting people to sponsor you.

Challenge yourself

Challenge yourself and support Suffolk Mind by taking part in some fundraising events.

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