Raised so far
£260 of £250

Following our successful skydive last year, myself and a few Birketts colleagues have decided to embark on a new challenge and will be running the Ipswich half marathon for Suffolk Mind who are a wonderful independent charity who provide a range of mental health wellbeing support and services across Suffolk.

Given that one in four of us will experience mental ill health at some point in our life, I want to ensure that when help is needed, charities like Suffolk Mind are there to assist.

£250 could enable Suffolk Mind to take a ‘Life Hacks for Young Mind’ assembly to 2 groups of students helping them consider specific challenges to their age group and giving them support to stay well at what can be an exceedingly tough time for many. The benefits of this also cascades to teachers and parents too, who become aware of our services and start to develop the shared language needed to have difficult conversations. With 101 secondary schools in Suffolk and new cohorts of children coming through each year, it is vital that they continue to fundraise for this provision.

So please consider giving whatever you can afford to support Suffolk Mind and the fantastic work it does – even if it’s just a fiver – it all counts!

Thank you so much.


Raised so far
£260 of £250

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