Raised so far
£140 of £170

Hello! My name is Juhena and I will be running the Ipswich Half Marathon for Suffolk Mind!

Mental wellbeing is something that I have taken interest in around 4 years ago, this was due a loss I experienced. No one prepares you for it and it is a huge shock when it actually happens.

One main thing I learned from the experience is that healing is not a linear process and it’s somewhat unpredictable – one minute you’d think you’re okay and the next, not so great. It just becomes a roller coaster of intense emotions.

In retrospect, I can say that healing requires being patient with yourself, consistent effort, a brilliant support system, and always remembering that you’re never alone and it will get better.

The money raised will go towards interventions such as fully funded counselling sessions and raising more awareness on taking care of your mental health through educational workshops aimed at people of all age groups.

Please donate what you can as every donation will help the cause and please share with your loved ones!

Thank you for visiting my page!


Juhena 🙂

Raised so far
£140 of £170

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